You Got The Silver

Watch for Skye and Silver in the 2016 RRP TB Makeover! Silver is well on the way to recovery. He has been in training for over 3 months, the wound is completely healed. Silver had pleuropneumonia as a 2 y/o and needed to have a rib resected. He has had a draining cavity on his chest ever since, and raced 15 times in 2015 (winning once at odds of 92:1. When we brought Silver to Cornell for a simple castration, the surgeons at Cornell were concerned about this wound. The vets took x-rays (looking for a foreign body) and switched the procedure an open castration. Wanting to give Silver the best chance of a life free of a chronically draining wound, the vets spent over 3 hours debriding the drainage tract; and when entering the thoracic cavity, encountered an infected piece of bone that had been festering for over a year. Silver, now a gelding, is completely and solidly healed from this operation in December of 2015, and is in full training for the 2016 TB Makeover, the end of October at the Kentucky Horse Park.  Silver will be competing in competitive trail and hunters.

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Known for their athleticism, heart and desire to please – ride an OTTB today!