Bossman Blue’s

Yes – that’s a rubber duck Boss.

Boss is back!   06/19/2018 – Boss adopter could no longer keep Boss.  She returned him in fantastic condition.  He has been a faithful trail horse, both alone and with others.  Boss will be available for adoption soon.  

Bossman Blue’s, “Boss”

Bio: Boss is a young, Kentucky bred OTTB gelding (then stallion) who retired from Finger Lakes Race Track between July and August 2014. He last raced May 16, 2014 and then found his way onto the Finger Lakes Finest Thoroughbreds, Inc. listings. In mid-July, his trainer’s wife posted Boss’s listing on our Facebook page and at that time he was listed for $1,500. Just a week later, she updated the post saying that he had found a good home. On August 22, 2014, we found a Craigslist ad for Boss and recognized the seller as a dealer who we had previous purchased a thoroughbred from. We contacted FLF who found someone who would be interested in taking Boss if he could be secured from the dealer. The person immediately started a crowdfunding campaign and was able to raise $475.00.

Working quickly, we went to the dealer’s location and placed a $100.00 deposit on Boss to secure him from potentially being sent to auction. We were also able to talk down his purchase price from $450.00 to $350.00. Boss was picked up the following day by the interested person and was taken to her facility. He had his hooves trimmed and was seen by a vet for an assessment. Boss’s FLF ad noted a large “old” bow on his right front leg and a new knee chip on the same leg. The vet noted that both front legs had bowed tendons and quoted $1,200.00 for his castration. The person decided at that point that she did not want to continue Boss’s rehabilitation and we agreed to take him into our care.

Boss was transferred to our facility on September 11, 2014. He was seen by our vets on the same day and had his front legs ultrasounded. He does have a large, fresh bow on his right front leg and a smaller bow on his left front. Treatment was discussed and we settled on stall rest for 3-5 months with wrapping to give his tendons time to heal properly. Boss is hand grazed daily and allowed some turnout alone in our indoor arena but is otherwise kept quiet to help his legs heal. He will be re-ultrasounded in a few months to check his progress but at this time he isn’t in pain and has a good prognosis.

Boss was gelded on September 26, 2014 at our facility for $235 which was covered by a gelding grant from One Horse At A Time, Inc.! Boss is the 17th equine to have been gelded as part of our Social Club Initiative Gelding Program that offers low-cost gelding clinics and involves our intake policy that all colts/stallions are to be gelded within thirty days of arrival to our facility.

Boss is a very sweet guy who has never shown any aggression or interest in the other horses at our facility (not studdish). While generally we allow a clearance time of at least 2 weeks post-op before letting new geldings interact with other horses, because Boss is on restricted activity, he has only met other horses by nose in nearby stalls. He is hand-grazed daily and has a very easy-going, well-natured personality which makes his stall rest very easy; he is happy to be in a stall with food and calmly walks when being led around. Boss will have his tendons reevaluated in a few months to assess his progress and we are hopeful that with time he will be able to be ridden.

Boss underwent surgery at Cornell University Large Animal Hospital on February 13, 2015 for a scirrhous cord. Funding for his surgery was covered in part by After The Finish Line.

Boss was sold at the 2009 Keeneland September sale as a yearling (Hip #1489) for $5,500. He then started racing as a three year old and had 20 starts earning $73,454 from 4 firsts, 4 seconds and 1 third. He has two half brothers and one half sister.

Tracks Attended: Finger Lakes, Tampa Bay, Gulfstream Park, Fort Erie and Woodbine.

Links: Pedigree, Racing Stats, FLF Ad, Bloodline Brag

Quick Facts:

  • Show Name: None
  • DOB/Age: 03/30/2008, 10 years old.
  • Height: 16 hands
  • Color: Gray/Roan
  • Discipline: In rehabilitation

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Known for their athleticism, heart and desire to please – ride an OTTB today!