REST IN PEACE BOLD AMERICAN. 21 y/o TB mare purchased by Brian Moore for $550 at Unadilla Auction. Bold had 11 foals before being given away as a riding horse. Bold was sent to auction on December 18th. She was obviously lame, not putting any weight on her hind leg. We purchased Bold for $900 from Brian Moore (he outbid us at auction, we were a phone bid) and on January 2, 2022, Bold arrived to SCT. She was a 2 on the Henneke scale as determined by our vet. She needed 3 weeks to be treated for a URI, gain some strength and weight before she could go to Cornell for further evaluation. During this time she was treated with strong antibiotics to treat the suspected hoof/bone infection, but her condition did not improve. Her spirit and kindness endured throughout her suffering and she was a brave lady until the end. Bold went to Cornell on Jan 24th for further diagnostics to see if they could help her. After further x-rays and a tap, it was determined the infection was in the bursa and the navicular bone. The neglect had gone on for too long, and humane euthanasia was recommended. Bold knew a warm stall, delicious sweet feed, alfalfa and plenty of treats for 3 weeks. We are sorry we couldn’t have saved Bold, but her suffering has finally ended, she was cremated and her ashes will be returned to us. Her legacy never to be forgotten.