Donations are greatly appreciated and benefit our thoroughbreds in all aspects of their care and retraining. Donations assist us in covering feed costs, bedding, farrier work, dentistry, veterinarian services and much much more!
Donations can be mailed to us at:
Second Chance Thoroughbreds, Inc.
121 Dawson Hill Road
Spencer, New York 14883
We also accept online donations:
AmazonSmile: AmazonSmile is an awesome program in which Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price of all eligible products to the charity of your choice! Shop normally while supporting our cause.
iGive: iGive is a small browser extension. Normally when you shop, a percentage of your purchase goes towards the advertising costs of the shopping site. iGive tells the site that you’d rather that percentage be donated to the organization of your choice, with no cost to you!
Gifts to Second Chance Thoroughbreds, Inc., an IRS Certified 501(c)(3) charitable organization (EIN# 46-1182639), are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Second Chance Thoroughbreds, Inc. is also registered with NYS Attorney General’s Charities Bureau (registration# 43-82-19).