T F Javana Miss

T F Javana Miss, “Java”

Bio: Java was locally bred by Taylor Farms in Owego, NY. She is an unraced mare who never left the farm until sold in September 2013 to a local horse dealer as part of a farm dispersal. With the help of a private donation, we were able to secure both Java and Bobbi (T F Bobbi Lynn). Java was said to have been previously started under saddle and over fences but had not been ridden in many years. She received a spa day upon arrival, had her mane cut, chestnuts and hooves trimmed. Java has one half sibling and four full siblings.

Java was placed on October 8, 2013 with an experienced local trainer who has been working with her extensively to become a hunter. We expect that she will be a show stopper this coming season!

Links: Pedigree, Bloodline Brag

Quick Facts:

  • Show Name: TBD
  • DOB/Age: 03/26/07, 7 years old.
  • Height: 15.2 hands
  • Color: Grey
  • Discipline: Hunter


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